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Thank you so much for taking the time to come and see! I hope that whatever you find here, you find love at the very least.

Come by any time! The journey is long and companions make it far more enriching!

Not Okay

Not Okay

How long can I go

and hold it all together?

How long

until I break?

How long

can I keep smiling

When on the inside

I’m screaming in agony.

I want to be okay.

But I’m not.

How long until

it’s so dark

that who I am

is obscured?

How long

until I meet someone great

just to be the destroyer

of something good?

I want to be okay.

But I am not.

Life has passed

and I feel left behind.

Hope feels fleeting

and who I am

nearly ceased.

I want to be okay.

But I am not.



Holy You

Holy You